For Explorers and Adventurers in the World of Words

Please make a list of the words you would challenge, so you can score your performance.

You must challenge at least three words.

Answers are below the board. The dictionary used is M-W's online Collegiate. It is not as comprehensive as you might think and purposely leaves out a number un-words that are defined as the opposite the word itself.

Note: When you play the game, you have to consider the score for the play, the current score, the abilities and tendencies of your opponent, and the oppontunity the play leaves for you before deciding to challenge.

Give yourself one point for each successful challenge.
Take away one point for each failed challenge.
If you did not challenge a word, there is no adjustment to your score.
Look up your skill level on the table provided at the end.

*ROBET*Y -- PROBETICALLY? No such word. Challenge Succeeds If You Challenged!

*OX*IV* -- APPROXIMATIVE. Challenge Fails If You Challenged!

W*I*KI*R -- WHISKIER? No such word. Challenge Succeeds If You Challenged!

J*FI*ES -- JELLYFISHES. Challenge Fails If You Challenged!

ESHEWE* -- Misspelling of ESCHEWED. . Challenge Succeeds If You Challenged!

C*U*ID -- CELLULOID. Challenge Fails If You Challenged!

CH*BLEN* -- CHARITABLENESS. Challenge Fails If You Challenged!

U*OGS -- UNCLOGS. Challenge Fails If You Challenged!

FANT*LE -- FANTASTICLE or FANTASIZABLE? No such word. Could have put an asterisk ahead of it to make INFANTILE. Challenge Succeeds If You Challenged!

*RYM*ING -- GERRYMANDERING. Challenge Fails If You Challenged!

PAT*ZE* -- PATRONIZES. Challenge Fails If You Challenged!

*CRUT*E -- INSCRUTABLE. Challenge Fails If You Challenged!

P*Z -- PIZZAZZ. Challenge Fails If You Challenged!

*E*MT -- Misspelling of PREEMPT. Challenge Succeeds If You Challenged!

MU -- Greek letter. Challenge Fails If You Challenged!

TA -- Baby Talk. Challenge Fails If You Challenged!

*Q -- SUQ. It's one of those Scrabble words that does creep into the game now and then. Challenge Fails If You Challenged!

DA -- Challenge Succeeds If You Challenged!

*QUADR*G -- SQUADRONING is not a word, could have left out the first letter for QUADRUPLING. REQUADRUPLING is not a word either. Challenge Succeeds If You Challenged!

If you challenged J*, *R, IF, UP, T*, or E*, we recommend you concentrate your skills on Monopoly and forget WildWords.

Evaluation of Scores



8 and above

You are a cheater. The maximum score is 7.

6 to 7

Better than World Champion

3 to 5

Potential World Champion

-2 to 2

Normal Skills

-3 or less

Serious room for improvement

Curious Fact: When you go to M-W's online dictionary and try REQUADRUPLING, the two suggestions you get back for the word are: 1. LIECHTENSTEIN 2. LIECHTENSTEINER Possible bug in the logic of their program, me thinks?


 ©  Copyright 2003 Peter Roizen