You are welcome to download the Internet version and enjoy it with whomever you please. Email:
I have stopped selling the board game version. About one hundred or so remain from my initial run of 5,500. I don't have the funds or the remaining life expectancy for a reprint. I would like to see, and believe the game deserves a continued life of its own. Where to find that?
The Bottom Line: More Words. More Game. More Fun. And, No Homework.
Email Contact: roizen (at) ix.netcom(dot)com
A BroadBrain Word Game
What a difference a new board, new tiles, and new rules can make.
Escape the childish playground of Scrabble words for the every-word-you-know universe of WildWords.
This is a game of creative thinking across a complete vocabulary--something no other word game has ever been.
Summary of Changes: A dozen asterisk wild tiles can represent any sequence of one or more letters. They have no point value but they sure help in finding 7-tile plays. 20 yellow turn-to-wild squares (about 8 get used) convert (flip) regular tiles into wild tiles and add the opportunity to use an awkward tile for something better. Wild tile functionality and turn-to-wild squares are part and parcel of a game of WildWords. Neither the tile nor the square nor the wildness rule exists in Scrabble, so there is no way in Scrabble to think bigger or better than the letters in your tray.
It is not necessary to consider previous plays. Use a wild tile or converted tile already on the board for a new purpose in your play. You just have to defend what you play, when you play it, and only if your opponent risks a challenge. A timely bluff is a part of WildWords. The scoring system is similar to Scrabble with bonus squares. However, the 40 point bonus for 7-tile plays is a major factor in winning games. Four penalty squares diminish the advantage of going first and penalize the use of two wild squares. You may dump all (not some) of your tiles in the bag, mix, and draw a complete fresh set at the start of your turn without losing the turn. That also makes for interesting decisions leading to moments of joy and regret.
Note: We also play cards in our family and have modified the card game "Oh Hell" to be something we think is a lot more fun.
Watch a sample game. WildWords is to Scrabble like chess* is to checkers.
*Unlike chess, there are no fixed openings and you can recover from a bad play.
Note: The variety of words played in this one time experiment is below average.
The video is just intended to demonstrate game play.
is the Combination Deluxe Pizza of word games. It offers the richest
plate of possibilities, decisions, and consequences. No word game has
ever been so friendly to all words and so open to your imagination. ** Since I wrote this, I have
learned that a 1959 episode of the Today Show actually released a
barrel of monkeys as a test. The result was no fun at all and
ended up a literal sh*tstorm with reports that some monkeys had to be
shot down from the rafters. Curiously, the expression of "more fun than
..." is defined online by some as sarcasm and by others the way I
understood it. |
about Scrabble are from Word
Freak :
To WildWords:
Opinions Of Others:
I don't know
any of the people whose reviews or comments are included below.
Some reviews may have disappeared over time.
My Favorite Exchange With a Customer !!!
This story (exaggerating slightly) is a Hallmark type fairytale of pre-holiday despair, happenstance, epiphany moments, and a mind-bending journey ending with a reversal of fortunes!
Links to independent reviews:
- "If you know a Scrabble fan, do them a favor and turn them on to WildWords."
- "No longer will you play with only the letters in the tray in front of you -- now the voices inside your head get their turn, too ..."
- Silicon Valley Metro: "All these elements completely turn Scrabble on its head ... Who would have thought that an asterisk ... would lead to so much fun?"
- Los Gatos Times: "It's Scrabble times ten - it's much more creative."
- Major Fun.Com: "Uniquely profound. Uniquely challenging. Uniquely fun."
- Take Our Word For It (The Word-origin Webzine): "... a rollicking good time. What a great idea!"
- Q&A Session With WildWords Creator
"I think that if this game was first, and Scrabble were recently invented and marketed as a 'better WildWords' - that most people would probably just laugh it off." "A wonderful word game! It is similar to Scrabble, but I much prefer Wildwords to Scrabble. The wild tiles and spots open up this game in a way that can just not happen in Scrabble." "OK. I do not like Scrabble. I love word games. But these ... changes make the game so much more fun and accessible." "My friends who love crossword puzzles love this game leaps and bounds more than they like Scrabble." "This is way more fun in teams! You can tell your partner your insidious plan that you can't work out, and she can give you something that fits it, and vice versa. Ah, the satisfaction of playing F*Q*Y, and getting a unanimous challenge from every opponent. (FreQuencY was the play)." "I think Scrabble is more for knitters and stamp collectors. WildWords is more for bungee jumpers and skydivers." Emails from owners with different perspectives:
"My friend gave me WildWords for my birthday, and I must tell you that I love it. As a tournament Scrabble player, I can tell you that I am very picky about variants of our crossword game, but this one is well designed. Kudos!" "Scrabble, schmabble ...
"Thanks for all you have done to make my life way more exciting with long interesting creative words on this board and thinking way outside the box to win. Finally a game where poets and wild thinkers can win, rather than spreadsheet-oriented rule-followers!""I adore this game! I'm a pretty serious Scrabbler--not tournament level, but I love the game and take it a mite too seriously. This is a different game entirely. Double and triple words matter, but the real challenge and joy to this game is using all of your tiles. A good player can do this quite often with creative asterisk usage and judicious use of the "tile trade-in" rule. Plus, none of my friends will play Scrabble with me anymore, but they'll try this game. Sometimes they even win!" (comment found at YouTube). "My Mum is a Scrabble addict and adapted to the game quite well. Hopefully I can transform our Scrabble-addicted family to a WildWords-addicted family by next Christmas. I HATE Scrabble and loved this new game for its flexibility." "It works remarkably well in German but in an ideal world the distribution of letters would be slightly different (of course). The English version is just great & brings out a mischievous streak in people ;-).
"So congratulations on what we think is a brilliant game and much more fun than Scrabble. Hope the game really takes off for you. And thanks again... I'm sure we'll have many many more nights of verbal creativity & laughter with this.""One thing we like - it's really a crap shoot, and our games are sometimes very close, while other times one of us just slaughters the other. I'm inclined to "bomb" every play I possibly can, where her strategy is denser." "I wanted to let you know that I purchased WildWords a few months ago. Since that time I have fallen in love with this game! ... I appreciate your work in producing this game. Wild Words is always a joy to play. Thank you for your efforts. " "I love your game. It's fun and outside the box and brilliant. ... , thanks for sharing your great idea with us! " "This fixes everything wrong with Scrabble." "It's what Scrabble should have been."
The Board Game Order Page
The Internet Version Download Page
WildWords, WildWords Game Co. Wild Words Game Co. WLDWRDS, Crossword game, word game, anagram, fun, intellectual, vocabulary, strategy, free, internet, creative, scrabble, puzzle, networdz, iq, wildwords, internet, board game, challenging, bluff, long words, dictionary, word lover, logophile, vocabulist